Friday, March 14, 2008

Holy Vessel

Merriam Webster's Dictionary defines a vessel as: 1 a: a container (as a cask, bottle, kettle, cup, or bowl) for holding something b: a person into whom some quality (as grace) is infused vessel of the Lord — H. J. Laski>

Our theme for our Ladies Retreat this April is "Holy Vessels". We are all holy vessels to the Lord. But as the ladies ministry at our church has been studying the book of Daniel with Beth Moore we have learned that there are many times that we use our vessels in unholy ways, we toast to unholy behavior and things. We ultimately disgrace our own vessels.

Vessels must be filled. Vessels must also be pure before the substance is put in them.

For example, if you drink a glass of orange juice and then put water in that same glass is it is going to taste like orange flavored water!

Well, how then can we pour our God's grace, love, mercy, kindness, and patience if our vessels are still filled with our flesh, and old life?

It's impossible!! We must let the Lord purify our vessel through testings and trials that our vessels may come out as pure gold. Once we've been refined in the furnace that which we receive from God we can pour out.

By no means is this a process that happens within hours, days or months. Our vessels are constantly being cleaned and reshaped by the Lord. He is the potter and we are the clay.

Let him mold you and shape you and take our all uncleanliness.

1 comment:

sweettea said...

Our church is also in the middle of the Daniel study. We have around 20 participants, both men and women! We are on week 5 detailing how the holy vessels were used for unholy purposes. I am so grateful for Beth Moore's gift to relate the Scripture to today's issues with such clarity. Blessings to you and yours from Marianna, Florida!